How a Republican Congress Can Kill Common Core #stopcommoncore #ccss

Reason -

Republicans have retaken control of Congress on a promise to reverse President Barack Obama’s failed policies. They should start by honing in on an initiative now synonymous with federal overreach and creeping nationalization of local education matters: the new Common Core national curriculum standards, which give parents everywhere nightmares about their kids’ trendy, incomprehensible math homework assignments.

The GOP should tell Obama to back off and stop forcing the standards down the throats of various state legislatures. In doing so, Republicans would draw praise from Common Core’s many critics—including conservatives and libertarians, parents, and even teachers—but also some of its most devout proponents, who believe federal involvement has resulted in nothing but bad PR for the initiative.

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One Response to How a Republican Congress Can Kill Common Core #stopcommoncore #ccss

  1. bill buselmeier says:

    if the republicans do not due as promised, this will prove neither party are here except to feather their own nest and do nothing that the people want. Return states sovereignty to decide what marriage and education are by their own peoples elected representatives.

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